3Collection of model railway designs

In the last few months I’ve made a col­lec­tion of mod­el rail­way designs as pos­sib­il­it­ies for a new lay­out. Whilst I wont end up build­ing most of them I thought I’d share them here in the hope they might inspire oth­er people.

Pos­sible attic room design for Shef­field sta­tions & Penistone
(down­load for Any­Rail 6)

Large shed design for Shef­field sta­tions & Pen­is­tone, with out­door extension
(down­load for Any­Rail 6)

Large base­ment room design for mul­tiple Shef­field sta­tions, Pen­is­tone, and Wood­head route
(down­load for Any­Rail 6)

1:1250 OS Map of Shef­field Mid­land from the 1950’s com­pressed to 50% real length, with stream­line tracking
(down­load for Any­Rail 6)

1:1250 OS Map of Shef­field Mid­land from the 2000’s com­pressed to 50% real length, with stream­line tracking
(down­load for Any­Rail 6)

1:1250 OS Map of Shef­field Vic­tor­ia from the 1950’s com­pressed to 50% real length, with stream­line tracking
(down­load for Any­Rail 6)

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3 تبصرے


Hi Jon!
I’ve left my Lost Sta­tions Of Long­dend­ale 00 lay­out in a house I just sold in Turkey!
The new house in Oxford­shire has a large double gar­age and exten­ded work­shop so I now plan to mod­el the oth­er half of Lost Wood­head in a new V‑shaped lay­out — Two Tun­nels To Lon­don Road via Wood­head and Huddersfield.
Found your Wood­head plan­ning inter­est­ing and have stolen the Pen­is­tone plan­ning!! lol
Thanks for your expert­ise and insights…

جواب دیں
JMJohn Marshall

These are great designs, I ori­gin­ally came from Shef­field and did my Train spot­ting at Mid­land and Vic­tor­ia Sta­tion in the late 1950s, we used to climb over the wall at the back of the sig­nal box on Sheaf Street and at the top of Duke Street, I know live in Bolton so my lay­out is rep­res­ent­a­tion of Bolton Trin­ity Street in the 1960s…nightmare 4 way crossing..

جواب دیں