ਪੋਸਟ ਟੈਗ: europe

0EU MapPlanning a European driving holiday

I recently wrote about our European driv­ing hol­i­day and a couple of people have since asked me for some more detailed inform­a­tion about the plan­ning pro­cess. Unless people want to do exactly the same trip, many of the details will be dif­fer­ent, but the key things to check remain the same. Here I’ll detail how I planned our hol­i­day and what tools and sites I used, along with spe­cif­ic examples from our trip
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0Ford GT on the Autobahn, GermanyEuro RoadTrip 2013

Every sum­mer I go on Hol­i­day to the beau­ti­ful Greek island of Crete. I’m yet to go alone and this year as well as my part­ner I was joined by 2 mates, both of whom have been before. How­ever, this year, we decided to do things a little dif­fer­ently — rather than fly over most of Europe we decided to drive and see some of Europe on the jour­neys. We had a great time and the total cost was about the same as fly­ing and rent­ing a car, so we’ll def­in­itely be doing it again.… Read Full Article