There are lots of “must see” lists for Europe, but they all seem to follow one or another standard formula: either selling holiday links, or a blogger picking out their favourites in their own country. Many of the longer lists target US readers and include lots of locations in the UK, which those of us in the UK can visit at a weekend without the time or expense of a more significant break. Below I will try to bring together a healthy list of the places I’ve loved and still want to see in Europe, excluding the British Isles.
Travelling Europe
I have already written twice about planing a driving trip around Europe, but since those articles I have also done a non-driving European travelling holiday, and am currently planning another trip. This post is intended as a comprehensive starting point for planning any trip around Europe.
00-gauge SeTrack layout for a triple loop in 12ft x 8ft
Below is a layout which fits a triple loop design into a typical shed of 12ft x 8ft. This gives a good length of run between each station and still leaves plenty of space to reach the entire layout and add some scenery.
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00-gauge SeTrack layout for former Sheffield Victoria station
Below is a track plan for a reasonable size approximation of the former Sheffield Victoria station layout.
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Track geometries for 00-Gauge Hornby SeTrack
I have recently returned to model railwaying after a hiatus of over a decade. Since I last modelled, things have changed considerably, with the wide availability of modelling software which allows layouts to be carefully designed in advance — ensuring the design will fit in the space, and that the required track is available.
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Practical Jokes
After a recent conversation I was reminded of the numerous practical jokes I have carried out over the years. A quick scan around the Internet doesn’t actually reveal a particularly good selection of cheap harmless pranks to play on friends so I thought I’d share some of my favourites
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Planning a European driving holiday
I recently wrote about our European driving holiday and a couple of people have since asked me for some more detailed information about the planning process. Unless people want to do exactly the same trip, many of the details will be different, but the key things to check remain the same. Here I’ll detail how I planned our holiday and what tools and sites I used, along with specific examples from our trip
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Euro RoadTrip 2013
Every summer I go on Holiday to the beautiful Greek island of Crete. I’m yet to go alone and this year as well as my partner I was joined by 2 mates, both of whom have been before. However, this year, we decided to do things a little differently — rather than fly over most of Europe we decided to drive and see some of Europe on the journeys. We had a great time and the total cost was about the same as flying and renting a car, so we’ll definitely be doing it again.… Read Full Article
Sarakina-kloof in Zuidoost-Kreta
This article has now moved to our sister site
Funny synopsis of Warren G’s “Regulate”
I saw this on Wikipedia a while ago, it might even have been a couple of years ago, thanks to a friend’s link on facebook. It has since disappeared from wikipedia, which is a shame, as it is a work of genius. I’ve reproduced it here because of how much it made me chuckle. I’m afraid I have no idea who the original author was, but if you think you know, or are the author, please get in touch for credit.
Info on the track Regulate and the artists Warren G and Nate Dogg is available on wikipedia.
“Hi Jon, fanstastic resource thanks for producing this. I'm struggling with trying to get a R8074 to run into a…”