Below is a layout which fits a triple loop design into a typical shed of 12ft x 8ft. This gives a good length of run between each station and still leaves plenty of space to reach the entire layout and add some scenery.
The Maximum gradient is 2%.

Jon, I came across your website recently and was intrigued by your model railway designs. So much so I have purchased anyrail. In the New Year we are moving to a new house which I agreed to as long as I had somewhere for my OO gauge track. As we are down sizing there is no room in the inn as they say for my layout. Anyway my current layout was scratch built without any plans to fit half my garage. It will have to be rebuilt in its entirety. My plan is to have a large workshop built in the garden so i was researching different layouts to encompass many points and a turntable. There are four ovals and an inner track using Hornby 1st radius. I also use Hornby’s RailMaster to control my layout and have had 6 engines running at once. To come to the point I am really impressed with your layouts and to more of an insight in the different levels of track I wondered if you could provide a 3D view of them. Also would I have your permission to replicate (probably with a bit of tinkering) one of your layout designs.
Jim Sheffield
Hi Jim
Of course you’re welcome to replicate the layouts — they’re there to inspire and to be used. I’m not sure a “track design” could be copyrighted even if I was that way inclined. As it is, everything here is under “Creative Commons” so you can pretty much do what you like with it (other than claim it as your own and try to make money from it). I’d be really pleased to see the results of whatever you build.
Most of the layouts I’ve put online don’t have any overlapping sections so could be built flat or with gradients as desired but this loop obviously does need gradients. Your best bet for a full view is to download the anyrail file and use the 3D viewer in anyrail to get the angle of view you want. I believe anyrail can also export to some other formats which might be useful too?