Δημοσιεύσεις με ετικέτα: scaife

0οικογενειακό ιστορικό Scaife, καταγωγή και την κληρονομιά

I’ve been work­ing on a fam­ily tree for the last few years and one of the things I’ve dis­covered if that almost any­one offer­ing inform­a­tion wants money in return. Whilst I have mem­ber­ship of one or 2 of the most well known sites I have ofdten stumbled across inter­est­ing dis­cus­sions on oth­er threads but have been unable to post a reply without sign­ing up, or someone has left an e‑mail address that has since been aban­doned. So I thought I’d share a little inform­a­tion here about some long dead ancest­ors in hope that someone search­ing for inform­a­tion might find it and get in touch
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