1Μοντέλο σιδηροδρομικού κλίσεις

Μοντέλο σιδηρόδρομοι, όπως το πραγματικό πράγμα, τείνουν να είναι αρκετά επίπεδη.  Αν θέλετε ot έχουν πιο πολύπλοκες διατάξεις με κλίσεις θα πρέπει να σχεδιάσει προσεκτικά εκ των προτέρων, και να αποφύγει τον πειρασμό να δημιουργήσει ένα ρεαλιστικό (και undriveable!) κλίνω.

Many mod­el­lers wish to build mod­els that look real­ist­ic, so let’s start with what sort of gradi­ents are found on the real rail­ways.  The Wors­brough incline on the former wood­head main­line from Manchester to Shef­field was a 1 σε 37 κλίνω, and reg­u­larly used 4 κινητήρες.  Parts of Mer­sey rail are claimed to be as steep as 1 in 27 as is the Middleton Junc­tion to Old­ham Wer­neth line.  More sus­tained gradi­ents include examples such as around Ports­mouth where the line from Goldalm­ing to Haslemere has a gradi­ents of around 1 σε 80.  The Lickey incline near Birm­ing­ham is a 1 σε 38 incline for 2 miles.

Put anoth­er way, short inclines on the real rail­ways have been as severe as 1 σε 27 (3.7%), but these required spe­cial bank­ing locos or mul­tiple locos.  The steep­est sus­tained inclines that are oper­ated without spe­cial locos don’t exceed 1 σε 80 (1.25%)

Να περάσουν πάνω κομμάτια με 00 μετρητής απαιτεί ύψος 60 mm από την κορυφή της γραμμής, to bot­tom of base­board above.  With a baseboard+track thick­ness of 10mm this means to cross one track over anoth­er will require a rel­at­ive height dif­fer­ence of at least 70mm.  Achiev­ing this in the shortest dis­tance can be achieved by 1 track sink­ing 35mm and the oth­er rising by 35mm.

With a real­ist­ic incline of 1.25% αυτό απαιτεί ένα μήκος 2,8!

Unless you have a lot of space it will be hard to build a lay­out with a cross over that sticks to real­ist­ic real world inclines.  So the next ques­tion is — what is the steep­est incline that can be oper­ated suc­cess­fully with typ­ic­al 00 locos μετρητή, and is there any­thing that can be done to improve this.

Χρήστες για την hornby for­um sug­gest that around 1 σε 75 seems to be the lim­it for a 6‑coach train. Anoth­er recom­mend­a­tion είναι περίπου 1 σε 60. Αυτό μπορεί να ωθείται προς 1 σε 50 with short­er trains, αλλά με όλο το μήκος (8−10 car­riage) trains pulled by steam locos any­thing steep­er than 1 σε 50 είναι απίθανο να λειτουργήσει. Using the same for­mula as above the length required it still 1.75m. Anoth­er good sum­mary is Mod­elRail­way­En­gin­eer.

Μπορούμε να βελτιώσουμε αυτό

One way mod­el­lers have improved loco grip in the past has been to increase loco weight. This has the obvi­ous down­side of increas­ing the weight that the motor has to pull up any incline, and there is often lim­ited space inside locos to fit weights. I recently wondered if it would be pos­sible to improve the grip of locos by pla­cing a mag­net­ic mater­i­al under the track and using super-strong mod­ern mag­nets (cheaply avail­able from ebay) σε locos για τη βελτίωση της πρόσφυσης. Well — it turns out it is — and there is already spe­cially designed kit called Powerbase being sold for exactly this pur­pose. DCC con­cepts guar­an­tee that Powerbase will double the pulling power of locos up 1 σε 30 gradi­ents, but what will your locos pull up those gradi­ents to start with, και πόσο θα κέντρου ισχύος βοηθήσει με ένα 1 σε 50 κλίνω?

ένα τεστ of powerbase found a 2−6−0 loco on a 1 σε 35 gradi­ent improved from pulling 8 wag­ons to pulling 29 wag­ons and could have done more.

Anoth­er example of the improve­ments avail­able was recently in the Hornby magas­ine. Πάνω σε 1.5% κλίνω (1 σε 66) σχεδόν κάθε loco δοκιμαστεί διπλασιαστεί αυτό που θα μπορούσε να τραβήξει, with smal­ler 0−6−0 and 4−4−0 locos able to pull 6 or 7 car­riages, and lar­ger 2−6−0 and 4−6−0 locos able to pull 12+ καροτσάκια.

Χρησιμοποιώντας κέντρου ισχύος φαίνεται ότι κλίσεις του 1 σε 30 are pos­sible with good length trains, tak­ing the length required for such an incline to only 1m.

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Ενας Σχόλιο

THTony Hill

Very clear present­a­tions and use­ful links to my favour­ite soft­ware- ‘Any­rail’ (now on Any­rail 6)
