Having recently set up my own cocktail bar I was very keen to see if I could find the cocktail menus from some of my favourite cocktail bars. Sadly all of them have now closed and finding menus proved very tricky but I have now found 2…
The first cocktail bar I was a big fan of was “The Boston Exchange” in the Headingley area of Leeds. I later learned the ‘exchange bar and grill’ pubs were a chain, αλλά φαίνεται ότι η αλυσίδα έχει έκτοτε φύγει. A while back though I found the cocktail menu on an obscure internet site somewhere that I have since lost the link for. Είναι παρακάτω
The second cocktail bar I frequented regularly was “Sharkeys” just off West Street in Sheffield. Πιστεύω ότι αυτό ήταν επίσης μέρος μιας μίνι αλυσίδας, αλλά και πάλι έχει χαθεί όσο μπορώ να πω (although there are other places with similar names around the world). Πρόσφατα κατάφερα να βρω έναν σύνδεσμο Ιστού για το μενού, although it doesn’t lend itself to downloading
The final cocktail bar of my cocktail-loving youth, και το καλύτερο που έχω πάει ποτέ, was “The Ivory” in the Harrisons building in Sheffield. Αυτό έκλεισε 10 πριν από χρόνια, and finding a cocktail menu for iot proced very tricky, but thanks to the Sheffield Forums (which had a link to the original website) and The Internet History Archive, I was able to find an archived copy of the website, που περιελάμβανε ένα PDF του μενού!
Ivory Cocktail Bar Full Menu from 2007
Γεια σου Τζον, Μεγάλος θαυμαστής! Είσαι τόσο ιδιόρρυθμος 🤪