
私はトマトを栽培します, 胡瓜, 唐辛子, コンサバトリーを南向きでレモンとオリーブ.  最後のオーバー 5 私は私の植物を攻撃する害虫の範囲で苦しんできた年, 私が以前の害虫を征服した後、毎年害虫の異なるタイプのようです.  私はいくつかの成功した方法をカバーの下には、私は害虫の範囲を制御することが分かってきました.


I’ve found that some vari­et­ies of each type of plant are much more res­ist­ant to ver­min than oth­ers.  For example the F1 Aji Limon chilli pep­pers don’t seem to be tar­geted much by any ver­min, so I now tend to grow these rather than oth­er chil­lis.  If all else fails then I recom­mend look­ing at the vari­et­ies you are grow­ing and try some dif­fer­ent ones.


Red spider mites are one of the worst pests as they seem very dif­fi­cult to des­troy.  They are fairly res­ist­ant to most sprays and treat­ments.  I have found a few approaches effect­ive.  最初は両方の室内チャイブのいくつかのポットを成長させることです, 庭園で.  Red spider mites appar­ently are repelled by the smell of chives.  The second con­trol I have used is pred­at­ory mites that eat red spider mite.  赤いハダニも部屋が乾燥してホットになりたいので、私は夜に寒い取得するための部屋を許可しています (e.g. by leav­ing a small win­dow open).

緑色のアブラ虫 & ブユ

Green­fly and black­fly are com­mon pests that can attack most plants and mul­tiply extremely quickly.  How­ever they are real­tively easy to kill.  Mild soapy sprays eas­ily kill them off, but to avoid using even this I usu­ally obtain some lady­bird and lacewing lar­vae around April-May and these will eat through green­fly in short order.  Green­fly and black­fly also don’t like dir­ect sun so I have replaced my drain­age trays with light col­oured ones and repainted the room to a light­er shade so that more reflec­ted light hits the under­side of the leaves.


Thrips are also eaten by lady­bird and lacewing lar­vae so the same treat­ment for green­fly and black­fly seems to help keep thrips under con­trol.  Keep­ing a win­dow open also allows the adult lady­birds and lacewings to escape into the garden where they will hope­fully help to increase to loc­al out­door pop­u­la­tion, which in turn should reduce the sup­ply of new pests in future years.


I’ve had these on my lem­on tree but not on any­thing else.  They are par­tic­u­larly fast at repro­du­cing, and seem to attack the form­ing fruit, それを殺します.  They can be dealt with by a range of bio­lo­gic­al con­trols includ­ing lady­birds and lacewings.


今年は私は私のオリーブプラントのスケール昆虫を持っていました.  As with all pests I have ini­tially treated them by pick­ing them off and squash­ing them.  がある 3 vari­et­ies of para­sit­ic wasp (Meta­phy­cus hel­vol­us, Meta­phy­cus bart­letti, and Scu­tel­lista cyanea which are all harm­less to humans) that will con­trol scale insects.  最初 2 の 3 are only suit­able for indoors, whilst the 3rd does­n’t seem to be widely avail­able.  They are most effect­ive with soft scale insects.  Hard scale insects are best addressed with a type of lady­bird — Chilo­cor­us nigritus.


The large major­ity of pests seem to be sus­cept­ible to lady­birds, クサカゲロウ, and pred­at­ory wasps.  The best thing for your garden is to sup­port nat­ur­al pop­u­la­tions of these help­ful insects by provid­ing them with access to a suit­able hab­it­at and water.


I’m anti­cip­at­ing yet anoth­er new pest next year, per­haps I’ll get some vine wevils on my out­door grape vine.  私は準備ができているよ来るものは何でも.


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